In the beginning, would you introduce Solid Build Group to
the readership of AgroBio Technique magazine?
Hello and thank you for the opportunity to present
Solid Build Group of your readers. The idea of comp
nia was born somewhat naturally, as a continuation of
my education, like my expertise in construction
sector, which I have been building for more than 15 years.
Like that, through 2015 Mr. we created Solid Build Group, led by
the idea of combining our skills and passion for building
the body and to create a place, on which to offer
to our customers quality construction services and per
sonal attitude. Today, almost ten years later
we are happy, that we have numerous realized projects
you and equally built partnerships. Grateful
we are, that we have the opportunity to invest in a new and
modern technique, which allows us to expand
the spectrum of construction services, that we offer. One
of our recent investments is in mechanization for industries
al construction. We are proud, that we were able to assemble a team
by qualified specialists, with whom we undertake together,
we manage and execute the projects without compromise with
the quality of the service and always on time.
As a continuation of this, it will be interesting for us yes
let's learn what realized projects you have in the sector of
Agriculture. Could you talk about some of them?
As a company, offering complex construction,
we received first inquiries from the agricultural sector before
3 years, since they were our first completed projects
you. In order to be competitive in the market, we quickly realized
the need to close the loop for this type of service, which
prompted me to invest in a production base
metal structures, which we use when building
net of objects. It is located in the city of Saedinenie, close to
Plovdiv. With the country's central location and proximity to
the main road and railway arteries, we have a possibility
the ability to mobilize our resources in a matter of hours.
For the agricultural sector, we have built granaries with accompanying facilities
silos and infrastructure, food and beverage enterprises
owl industry, including the cold rooms
in them, as well as sheds and garages for rural storage
men's equipment, workshops for agricultural machinery,
equipped with lifting equipment. We had the opportunity
to build cow farms too, with the specific equipment
for cleaning the premises and mechanized food
outside. Apart from projects on the territory of the country, we have
implemented in neighboring Turkey as well, in the city area
Edirne. We are happy, that we were able to build very good ones
relationship with one of the largest agricultural cooperatives
operations there. Apart from the closed circle of services, we successfully
we earn the trust of our customers, because we can
we build and manage the object from the design level,
through construction, according to the building standards in str
sheet music, including commissioning, taking over
responsibility for quality performance of activities in
the agreed terms. We are registered in the Chamber of Buildings
lite in Bulgaria, as a builder, responsible for implementation
of objects of the 1st category, which makes us reliable
partner in the construction of explosive objects and such
with the risk of harmful effects on the environment.
What are the specifics of construction in the agricultural sector
ra and what is the place of construction technologies and
machines in it?
Construction in the agricultural sector has its specifics
and requirements, which to some extent differ from
those in other industrial spheres. For example, during construction
of production storage facilities, most importantly yes
the appearance of condensation on the roof part is avoided, which
would result in product damage and irreversible losses.
There are specific requirements for building materials,
to ensure proper temperature, the humidity and
the hygienic environment for the storage and processing of countryside
men's products. The agricultural sector uses a variety of villages
farm equipment and machinery, like tractors, combine harvesters
and other. Our commitment, as a construction company is
to provide suitable storage facilities and
sections for these machines, as well as to provide the necessary
infrastructure for their maintenance and service.
How would you comment on the advantages and disadvantages,
related to the renovation and construction of new facilities
nia? What should owners be aware of?
when choosing one of the two approaches?
Traveling in the country, we often spot old villages
economic massive buildings, built more than
35 years. They do not meet modern requirements
for commissioning. Before they are undertaken
actions for their renovation is necessary construct
tive examination, which is foundational to what follows
construction work. We have performed those as well
objects, which, after the main repair, have been brought to a higher level
level of energy efficiency, as well as sustainability
in natural disasters. The massive roofs of these buildings
are suitable for the installation of photovoltaic systems
for energy production. Of course, the new builder
thing, as long as the design rules are strictly followed
traction and subsequent performance, is the preferred one
option, but my opinion is, that this outdated building
fund, has deep potential and I believe, that he is good
active. Still on a new build, the client's ideas
can be implemented on a pure architectural basis.
In most cases, the period of building a brand new one
building, is shorter than renovating an existing one
such. The leading among customers from the agricultural sector is sro
performance corner, which makes all new builds
facilities preferred.
In conclusion, how you see the need and opportunity
the construction know-how in agriculture? What
is your message to farmers and investors in
In these difficult times, surrounded by local
and global challenges, commodity markets from
agricultural production are extremely dynamic
and presenting unpleasant surprises. Subject to space availability
for product storage, the owner receives up to
a great degree of security for her, respectively opportunity
for sales at the right time. The modernization of
the agricultural sector is intensive. After the speed change
of outdated machinery and equipment is on the agenda for renovation
the demolition of the old outbuildings and the construction
of new high-tech buildings. My recommendation to
farmers is still preparing the investment
projects to bet in the assignment and installation of the photovoltaic
ical systems on roofs, to preserve the property
on the fertile land, namely to give birth. Thus
apart from a major source of food, will be a producer
and energy. I take the opportunity to express my opinion
recognition and gratitude to all farmers, for that
care for our existence. I wish them to be
healthy, united and always hopeful!